Thursday, December 29, 2011

House Watch!

Our house is coming along!!  We went and took a look after flying home from California and did a walk through with a flash light!  I don't have any pictures of the inside since it was dark but there was cabinets and granite in the kitchen.  All the walls were done and so that only leaves the tile, carpet and fireplace.  Today Luke drove by and they had finished the outside brick and stone.  It is crazy to think we will be in our house sometime in January.   
Stay posted and soon there will be pictures of the inside!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bump Watch: 28 Weeks!

How Far Along: 28 weeks!
Size of baby: Chinese cabbage baby (whatever that means)! Little Miss is about 14 inches long this week.
Total Weight Gained:  25 pounds. It definitely depends on when I weigh myself!  My belly is growing by the day!
Maternity Clothes: It was easy to pack for California not having to many 
choices on what to bring!  Kelly added two shirts to my wardrobe.
Gender: Girl!
Movement: I am still amazed that there is a little human growing inside me! I love feeling her squirm around, and I really love watching my belly bop up and down when she shifts.  This week she has been moving like crazy and makes me stop in my tracks!!  What a fun feeling and a strong little girl she is becoming.
Sleep: Some nights I sleep great. Some nights I can't sleep at all.  And I know I'll never sleep again after Baby Girl arrives, so I am definitely not complaining. I'll take every precious moment of shut-eye that I can get!
What I miss: Popping my back. I know, I know. It's a terrible habit. But I would give anything to be able to twist my spine around and hear it crack!
Cravings: Cookies!!! Mom made so many delicous home made cookies and sweet treats!  I must have gained a bunch being home eating so well! 
Aversions: Nothing, really.
Symptoms: I no longer walk. I waddle. :)
Best Moment this week: Being with the ones I love!!  Meeting baby Nathan and Mason for the first time!!  Spending time with Grandma!!  Laughing with my Sisters!!  Visiting with Mom!!  Tearing up the dance floor with Kori and sisters in my cowgirl boots!!  Spending Christmas with my Family, Husband and Baby to be!!

California Shower

We flew into California and had my shower the very next day.  It was so much fun and my Mom and Kristin did an amazing job getting everything all decorated and ready to celebrate little Miss McCamey!

So good to be home with my sisters!
Mariam brought a yummy cake, thank you 
Enjoying the food
Guessing how big I am...
Mom was the game queen and everyone had so much fun playing!
So adorable I can't wait to put her in this!!  Baby McCamey got a lot of nice presents
Stretching out Auntie Kelly's overboardness!  What a cleaver idea to hang up all the outfits on a clothes line.  Thats my Kelly for you.  Baby McCamey has an Auntie that loves her so much already!! 
My dear friend Annie traveled all the way from San Diego with her little Lea!!  Thanks for making the drive it was so nice to share such a special day with you.  

 Thank you, Mom and Kristin, for a beautiful baby shower! 

Bump Watch: 27 Weeks! Home Sweet Home

How Far Along: 27 weeks! I have officially entered the third trimester of pregnancy!
Size of baby: Approximately two pounds and about the size of a head of cauliflower.
Total Weight Gained: 20pounds, and I am beginning to feel the physical toll of the extra weight. 
Maternity Clothes: My wardrobe is almost exclusively maternity wear these days.
Gender: We can't wait to meet our daughter!
Movement: She's a squirmy worm, and I love it!
Sleep: I haven't been sleeping well! I often wake up in the middle of the night craving a bowl of cereal and I'm wide awake. 
What I miss: My memory. 
Cravings: Still loving cereal in the middle of the night.
Aversions: Nothing really.
Symptoms: Excited to fly home for the Holidays!
Best Moment this week: Being in Cali with my Husband and Baby to be.  My Mom gave me a Baby Shower and it was so much fun to be with friends and family.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bump Watch: 26 Weeks!

How Far Along: 26 weeks, and I am beginning to get excited. There are less than 100 days until Baby girl is here. 
Size of baby:  Cucumber baby 
Total Weight Gained: Holding steady at 16 pounds this week.
Maternity Clothes: Got some spending money to shop thanks to Mama and Daddy for an early X-Mas gift!
Gender: We can't wait to meet our daughter soon!
Movement: My daughter is always movin' (probably not too surprising considering who her mama is). She wiggles around a lot these days.
Sleep: Getting plenty of z's because Little Miss is starting to be more awake in the day and not as much in the night.  She wakes up to see what me and the kiddos are up to!  She must know when it is storytime and music time!!
What I miss: Sleeping on my back, its so hard not to do.
Cravings: I want cereal all the time lately.
Aversions: Nothing this week eating everything!
Symptoms: Morning sickness at work!  Poor Kohen had to watch me throw up but the funny thing was he tried to throw up when I was done!
Best Moment this week: Spending time with Mama and Daddy!  We got an early X-Mas with them and treated to a nice dinner.  Oh and I will never forget taking our first family X-Mas cards.  We had boxes for our tripod and a lot of fun taking them ourselves in the middle of a field next to an old barn!!  I love making memories!  

Bump Watch: 25 Weeks!

How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of baby: Eggplant baby!
Total Weight Gained: 16 pounds. (How did I gain two pounds in one week?)
Maternity Clothes: Yep, still rockin' the maternity gear. (Let's be realistic: do I have a choice at this point?) 
Gender: Sweet Baby Girl
Movement: Baby Girl is still lovin' to dance.
Sleep: I am starting to get some good night sleeps!  I figured if I am go go go all day long then I sleep better at night!   
What I miss: The ability to bend over.
Cravings: Cookies!  I made some pumpkin spice cookies with cream cheese frosting, yummy!!
Aversions: Nothing specific for now.
Symptoms: I've been pretty blessed this week, no symptoms!
Best Moment this week: Getting a move on packing!!  Seeing boxes line our bedroom means our house is almost done.  I figure why not start the process because the bigger I get the harder it is going to be to pack.  

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Nursery

While most people are dreaming of a white Christmas, sugarplums and Santa Claus, I am dreaming of cribs, paint colors and baby bedding.  I am beginning to get pretty excited about the nesting that will surely ensue almost immediately after we move into our new house.  Here is the nursery in progress!!!
Her bedroom window
Baby Girl's closet
What Mommy wants to do to her closet.  Poor Daddy I have a list of great ideas for him to do.  

the crib and changing table we like
Her sweet sweet bedding I fell in love with before I even knew she was a girl.

House Watch!

The Sunday after Thanksgiving we drove home from Orange, TX to find our house like this.  It is so so exciting to see it start to look like a house.  We can't wait to move in sometime in mid January.
It is starting to look like a house!!
The hottie I get to live with ; )
                                                       Me at the other end of the house!
Our chimney
A sneak peak of the back yard
Our house from a distance

It has been such a fun process to watch a house be built and learn about each step along the way!


When we went home to Luke's parents for Thanksgiving weekend we were thrown a "Its a Girl Party!"  Aunt Joanne is such a great decorator and created such a special paraty for us.
We got spoiled with Baby Girl gifts!  The Duck bathtub quacks like a duck!! : )  We love it Mama and Daddy thank you so much.  She will be squeaky clean after her Duck Baths.
The host of the party...Aunt Joanne and Katy Roo helped while Miss Jill pretended to want to look at baby stuff with me while they decorated!
Family picture time
All the cousins
Thanks to Tara's time, hard work and love our baby girl has her very own I spy quilt!  Oh and Tyler's over seeing the project!  We love it thank you so very much!
All our goodies we got!  We feel so loved and our little one just doesn't know how good she has it.  Thank you so much for this special and fun party.  It felt like a baby shower with family.  We love you all so very much and feel so blessed to have you all in our lives.

Bump Watch: 24 Weeks!

Pregnancy HighlightsI love being pregnant and feeling little Miss kickin' everyday. 
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Size of baby: Papaya baby!
Total Weight Gained/Lost: 14 pounds gained, baby girl is a growin'
Maternity Clothes: I have to say it is much easier to pick out an outfit in the morning when you don't have much to choose from!!
Gender: Sweet little girl!
Movement: Little Miss McCamey is still moving around a lot. She seems to love music because when ever she hears me singing or listening to music she starts dancing around in my tummy!  
Sleep: Starting to get use to sleeping on my side since the Dr. said, "No more back sleeping."
What I miss: Being able to get up and down without grunting!!  I sound like an old lady sometimes.
Cravings: Food, food oh and food!  I am so excited I got to eat for two this Thanksgiving!!
Aversions: Anything that gives me morning sickness is hard to eat agian.
Symptoms: A big belly!!  Gosh is it more work having a big belly to carry around with you all day!  I am in good shape from it!  LOL :)
Best Moment this week: Spending Thanksgiving with Luke's family!  I have so much to be thankful for this year.  A year ago, I knew my life was about to get a lot better when I said, "YES" to Luke! But I never knew just how great my life would become. So, so incredibly grateful for my wonderful husband, our new home we are getting to build, and growing a baby girl.  We are very blessed.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bump Watch: 23 Weeks

Pregnancy HighlightsEverything! I love being pregnant! 
How Far Along: 23 weeks
Size of baby: Mango baby! 
Total Weight Gained/Lost:  Will find out next week but with the size of my belly I must of gained more weight. 
Maternity Clothes: Now that I look mega-preggo, I am beginning to feel sort of cute in maternity styles. I bought a new pair of jeans this week and a couple of new long sleeve shirts since it is starting to get cold. 
Gender: It's a GIRL! And we are trying to figure out what to name her!
Movement: Squirm, squish, punch, kick. Little Miss McCamey is still moving around quite a bit. She's sleeping a lot too, though. And I can definitely tell when she's sleeping and when she's awake!  It is such an amazing feeling and I love it to pieces!
Sleep: Starting to have a harder time sleeping as my belly grows.
What I miss: I still miss my brain. Apparently, I may never have a fully functioning brain ever again. I've been told that "pregnancy brain" progresses to "mommy brain." So, don't ask me any hard questions for the rest of my life. :)
Cravings: Cereal.  I started craving Grapenuts which I loved as a kid. 
Aversions: Work.  I love my job but it is getting harder to keep up with the kiddos and have enough energy to come home and be productive.
Symptoms: Backaches! I desperately need a massage.
Best Moment this week: Getting half of our X-Mas shopping done before Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Spoiled little girl

Sweet sweet baby clothes!!  Little Miss McCamey is spoiled already thanks to Hannah, Kirsten and Mama for the adorable outfits!!
I am going crazy looking at baby stuff online.  I love all the girly outfits!  The other day I went to the mall and was not having any luck finding maternity clothes to fit me.  So I thought I will just go buy something for our little girl instead.  I found the sweetest pink button up with little bunny rabbits on it.  It will be perfect for Easter time!  I have a feeling I am going to be in trouble with buying too many girl clothes.  I just love clothes and when they come in pink how can you resist!!

House Watch!

 Luke drove by on Friday and it is all ready for cement to be poured!!!  I started packing this weekend, can you tell I am excited to move.  Mostly just my clothes that don't fit me anymore.  It makes the closet look so much neater and makes getting dressed in the morning not as hard.  I literally tried on everything I own to see if it fit or needed to get packed.  Poor Luke had to look at each outfit on me!!  : ) I sure love him and how he puts up with me.

Bump Watch: 22 Weeks

Pregnancy HighlightsEverything!
How Far Along: 22 weeks
Size of baby: Spaghetti squash baby! 
Total Weight Gained/Lost: No more worries! Mama McCamey is on the weight gain train. Since baby girl is growing rapidly these days, I am too!! 8 pounds gained (eek!).
Maternity Clothes: Had to go maternity shopping for some warm clothes!  Not as easy as I wished it could be.  Guess its a good think I am only pregnant for four more months!
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: Baby Girl is squirming around all over the place these days, and I absolutely love it! I could sit around with my hand on my tummy for hours.  She loves music and will kick to the beat just like her Mommy!  I can't wait to sing and dance with her.
Sleep: Sleeping very well some nights and others I am up for a midnight snack!  : )
What I miss: The ability to fit into all my clothes.  : (
Cravings: Food, nothing specific this week.
Aversions: Eggs are not my favorite due to getting sick after eating them.
Symptoms: I look and feel pregnant. Are those symptoms?
Best Moment this week: Cleaning out my closet and packing all my clothes that don't fit me.  Out of sit out of mind.  It is so much easier to find something to wear when I only have a few choices!  

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We broke ground!

It was dark when I took this picture but they are starting to build our house!!  We are so excited to watch the different stages of our house being built.  

Happy Halloween

For Halloween this year I dressed up as a pregnant Mommy!!  I made this shirt so I had something cute and fun to wear!  
When we found out Baby Macamey was a little misses I glued a pink bow to the pumpkin!  This year we went to Sweet Berry Farms with our friends Hannah, Ian and Baby Sebastian.  We had a lot of fun.

I can't wait until next year when we get to have a little one to bring with us!

Bump Watch: 21 Weeks (Pumpkin Patch Edition)

Pregnancy HighlightsI really feel like I am walkin' on sunshine!!! Pregnancy is being very good to me (thank you, God!). 
How Far Along: 21 weeks
Size of baby: Carrot Baby! 
Total Weight Gained/Lost: Weighing in at the Dr's I had gained two more pounds
Maternity Clothes: Shopping spree must happen soon because all my clothes are just getting too tight!  Thanks to my Mama I got a treat this Halloween to buy a new shirt!  xoxo 
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: She moves around a lot but I can feel her sleeping in the day and when I get home from work she is up and movin' around.  : ) It is such a neat feeling, it feels like butterflies in my tummy!
Sleep:  When I started ignoring the pregnancy rule of sleeping on the left side I was sleeping like an angel!  I have been sleeping so well lately not focusing on how to sleep!  Thanks to Mariam's advice and my hubby! 
What I miss: Being skinny!  Don't get me wrong I love growing this baby but being a nanny isn't easy with a big belly!!  Getting up and down just isn't the same and I don't have Luke around to pull me up! :)
Cravings: FOOD! I cannot get enough to eat. I think Baby McCamey is hitting a growth spurt 'cause Mama McCamey is hungry!
Aversions: Nothing is grossing me out right now. Probably because I want to eat all the time.
Symptoms: Hunger and a very active little girl!
Best Moment this week: Going to the pumpkin patch with the Moutons, Luke and "My little pumpkin"

Friday, October 28, 2011

The boy/girl verdict: We're having a...

After much anticipation, Luke and I are so excited to share a couple of adorable photos of our sweet Baby McCamey... SHE is a beautiful baby GIRL!  I guess our "feeling" of having a girl was right on.  We are so excited to add a little Miss to our family and so very grateful that Baby McCamey is healthy!
Her profile
Her Face
Her little hands
And Toes!

We both feel so very blessed to have this sweet little one in our lives! And, good grief, she is so loved already! We are so thankful for the prayers, well-wishes and kind gestures we've already received for our baby girl.

My plan of finding out couldn't of worked better!!  Was it hard to wait?  Yes, of course but it made it extra special!!  Here is Luke and I at dinner.
Yes I was just a little excited! : )
A proud Daddy,
and Mommy!
We opened our card just to make sure they matched!!
Her little lovey that we will cherrish forever and ever!

This blanky goes with me,
Everywhere you see.
It's the perfect size,
Not to touch the ground,
Then it stays nice and clean,
To carry all around.
If Mommy holds it close to her,
Then gives it back to me,
I will always smell her scent,
Feel her love,
And the warmth of her security. 

What an amazing day!  We feel so blessed to have a little girl and are so excited to meet her soon!

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