Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tick Tock

Time doesn't seem to go fast enough when we are little.  Waiting each year for Christmas, Birthdays and school to be out,  we are wishing it away.  As we grow older we wish it would slow down but it just slips away from us.  I feel as I blinked my eyes and my life changed.  
Young, single and trying to figure out my purpose in life..
Falling in love...
Saying I Do...
Getting pregnant...
Buying a house...
Blessed with a baby...
Becoming a Mom has changed my life forever and is something I wouldn't trade for anything in this world.  Time seems to slip away from you as you watch a piece of you and your husband grow before your eyes.  

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Reese is 5 Months

Reese you are such a big girl sitting up already!!  Every month you discover new tricks that make Mommy and Daddy so proud.  You are full of so much expression (Daddy says you have my eyebrows)!  Haven't weighed you recently but you are getting heavier by the week and your little legs are growing because we just had to buy you 9 month PJs.   You are an amazing baby who goes with the flow and when we teach you something new you are like, "Oh that is easy watch I can do it!!"  You smart little cookie you.  

Friday, August 10, 2012

Seeing the world from another view...

Just this week Reese mastered the skill of sitting up all on her own!!  She is one happy baby discovering things from a different view.
Just look and see...

 Yesterday she even showed her best friend, Sebastian how she could sit up just like him.
She is so proud and ever since she mastered this skill she loves to sit up and play with her toys. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New York here we come...

What a little traveler we have!  Waking her up from a deep sleep at 5:30 am and off to the airport we went.  After a bus ride, two airplane rides and a car ride we arrived at our hotel.  Putting on our drees up clothes and out the door to Terri and Cort's Rehersal.  A trip to Buffalo, NY to celebrate an amazing couple getting married. 

Reese got her first set of wings and a picture with our pilot in the cock pit.  Everyone loved her and treated us like celebrities!  

She was quite the flyer and had so much fun not only inside the plane but watching the planes on the                  
                                                                         runway too.
Waking up the next morning Mommy was off to the salon to get her hair done.
Bride to be...Me...Joy
The trolly came to pick us up and the flower girl and ring bearer were the first ones on!
Off to the church we go...What an amazing wedding in a beautiful Catholic Chapel.  
Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Farley

We danced the night away!  I wish I would have taken more photos but was in the moment of such an amazing wedding.  It was a beautiful venue and we all had such a wonderful time celebrating these two wonderful people becoming one!!
Reese partied all night long and was so slap happy at the end...

Friday, July 20, 2012


Mornings are my favorite time of day!  When you start to move around in your crib and make that pitiful sound trying to call me into your room over the baby monitor.  As I walk into your room you are silent listening and looking for someone to peer in at you.  The smile you give me melts my heart and makes me feel so loved.  You open your mouth wide as I lean in and kiss you goodmorning.  

You wake up full of energy and ready to cuddle and play.  You make all kinds of noises trying to tell Mommy about your dreams.  I can't stop wispering I love you!!  The love we share is so amazing.  It is a bond no one can break.  It is a love that is so deep, a love that makes my heart skip a beat.  Reese Mommy loves you to pieces and wouldn't trade these mornings for anything!  XOXO

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Baby Doll

You are the baby doll Mommy dreamed of having!  You are perfect from your head to your toes!  I love dressing you up and finding a headband to complete your ensemble.  When I was a little girl my Mommy and Daddy would take me to the toy store to pick out a toy.  Everytime I walked out of the store I had a new dolly in hand and a smile on my face.  I would buy real baby clothes for my dolls and take them everywhere I went.  I couldn't wait to be a Mommy...and I am!  My dream came true and I was blessed with you.
You sure love to dress up and always smile when I show you how pretty you are.  
You had so much fun trying on shoes for the very first time.  You loved feeling the different textures and yes tasting them too!  Everything you touch has to get tasted!  
"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." 
-Marilyn Monroe

Reese is 4 Months

Our little one is 4 months old and turning into her own little person.  She is always smiling and just learned to roll over.  She is 15 pounds and 24 1/2 inches long.  Her favorite toy is her keys.  Key to her new crib, key to her ride (stroller) and key to her Mommy's heart.  She loves being in her Daddy's arms as long as she isn't hungry.  We love her so very much and just can't get enough of her.  xoxo
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